The New Word to Describe the Life of a Writer

conundrumnal: The state of being in a persistent paradox; A situation presenting a consistent conundrum

American Politicians  spend too much time raising money. They don’t have time to make good policy, or to care how it affects us.

If I want to spend more time writing, I am going to have to figure out how to sell my book, but if I spend my time selling it, I won’t have time to write. One of the things I like to do is make up new words. There are a few in my book. Today I want to introduce you to the word conundrumnal, because this problem of having to spend time selling books and not being able to write them is conundrumnal. I’m not saying this is original thought, but I don’t see that word in use. Certainly not in dictionaries.

war and vegetables a chronicle of the last gas station book cover

click that

My book is now in the Premium Catalogue at Smashwords, which means I can officially stop calling myself a Writer and start calling myself an Author if I feel like it. It might be a little pretentious,  but probably not presumptuous. It would be pretentious to call myself an author if I started referring to myself as such before at least selling a thousand books. You get the point though. I wrote a book, seventy two thousand plus words.

Below is a list of ways people all over the world can get my book if they find clicking the link above to be too easy. I am intrigued by this. What a great system Smashwords made. Technically, pretty much everyone on Earth can get my book now. What if they did? Then I could spend more time writing.

Kobo powers the ebook stores of multiple ebook retailers around the world.  Simply by distributing to Kobo via Smashwords, your books may also reach WH Smith in the UK, FNAC in France and Portugal, Livraria Cultura in Brazil, Angus & Robertson Bookworld in Australia, Bookworld in Australia, Indigo in Canada, Collins in Australia, Feltrinelli in Italy, in the Netherlands, Paper Plus in New Zealand, Play in Great Britain, Rakuten in Japan, (now Rakuten) in the US, PriceMinister in France, Crossword and WHSmith in India, Eason & Son, Ltd in Ireland, Mondadori in Italy, The Paper Plus Group in New Zealand, National Book Store in the Philippines, Pick ‘N Pay in South Africa, La Central in Spain, Dogan in Turkey, participating Booksellers Association Stores in the UK, and participating American Booksellers Association stores in the US, and Orbile in Mexico (Orbile is a partnership between two large Mexican book retailers, Porrúa and Gandhi).

Inktera operates retail site and powers multiple apps across iOS and Google Play including Athanatos, Book Bronco, Caffeine Nights, Cricket Books, Digital Pretium, Digital Turbine eBooks, EverAfter, IndieReader, Inktera Books, MediaRewards, Morgan Rice, Oasis eBooks, OneClique, TribBooks, Versent Books, and EverAfter (app for romance); and operates Android ebook store apps for Cricket Wireless and Asus.

Baker & Taylor operates Blio, an ebook store and also operates Axis360, a major supplier of ebook checkout systems to public libraries.

Gardners, also mentioned above, powers hundreds of small white label ebook stores; operates which powers ecommerce operations for hundreds of physical stores; operates Askews & Holts, a large supplier of ebooks to public libraries in the UK and other countries; and operates VLeBooks which powers ebook checkout systems for academic libraries.

Wasted Treasure: Repurposing windows

4 sliding glass doors

I do not believe that there are people who want to see this go to waste. There are so many things that can be done with old sliding glass doors. It’s wrong, it’s just sick and wrong and that’s all it is.

Here is a Brief list, a BRIEF list of what can be done with these:

  • Windows for greenhouses
  • Solar hot water heater
  • passive solar convection heat
  • Gigantic powerless food dehydrator

So yeah, try to get an idea, will ya? Not to mention just making a large window for your camp, or a mobile home; strip the glass and use the panes independently, since they are double pane. If I had a place to use them there is NO WAY I would walk away from this..

Ok? So yeah, that’s my post today. And speaking of energy, here, check out this link and get a little ebook that will tell you all about how your TV is a liar about energy (I know, big surprise right?), and this one with info about A.L.E.C and about who was -really- behind the Solyndra scandal, and guess what, it was not Heir Savior like the Republicans claim (I know, big surprise right? politicians lying). And I wrote these things in 2006, so whatever, catch up will ya!

I am doing a blog post per day all month, hopefully. Inspired by NaBloPoMo. This will be a good motivation for me to format some more ebooks. This is post #14.

Repurposing Windows

David Frum is Slow: Why Romney Lost

It’s ridiculous that anyone ever thought Romney was going to win that election. Who do these people listen to? I am not a Democrat or a Republican, and maybe that is why it is obvious to me that the Republican ship has sailed. It’s over, visit the Republican Party at the Hospice Center. David Frum is trying to help everyone figure out why Romney lost with an eBook, and he is trying to save the Republican Party. There are people who want to perform CPR on this thing, but it’s really not part of the plan. It’s not necessary any more. The political class no longer needs the distraction of a two-party system. They have implemented all sorts of new controls, and the right wing, and the drug warriors are getting everything they need from Obama. He has deported more immigrants than any other President -ever-, twice what Bush did. He has also done more raids on legal marijuana, completely disrespecting local law. Just click that link back there and read for yourself.

So here’s the deal David Frum. When those sexless ghouls in your Republican party talked about rape as being of the Lord, and that there is some kind of magic birth control in cases of violence against Women, and when they talked about allowing employers to demand invasive procedures on their female employees, there were people in the Democratic Party who were stupid enough to actually think that the laws those anomalous time warp freaks wanted to pass had a chance to see the light of day. When you couple that with the people in your Party who actually think so, and the females in your Party who are frightened to death of their men, -THEN- add to that the fact that the Leadership of the Democratic Party have absolutely -zero- conscience in regard to exploiting fear… well… that is just one issue where the mind of the There are two classes in the United States, the political class and the rest of usaverage American is under utter control. And it works the same way on a whole range of issues.

Remember the 80’s, when the Evangelical Christians thought Reagan was a man of God who infiltrated the White House to do the Lords work and then corporatized the food industry, killing the small farms and the businesses that go with it? Then how he turned the other way when a bunch of Salvadorean military men, aligned with the US in Central America raped and murdered those American Catholic Nuns in El Salvador? Well, there is a whole new crop of New Agey types who think Obama is some kind of “lightworker” or unifier, even as he has ordered 308 drone strikes, 5 times more than Bush and continues to strain relationships with Countries who have nuclear weapons, in that and other ways.

Your Party is not necessary any more David.

But tell me the truth Dave? you already know all this right? I am just a schmuck-ass working guy from a blue collar background and I can see this. I have been saying for two years that two terms is a lock for Obama. I know you have to know -at least- what I know.

So yes, here is -my- ebook, my lousy 0.99 ebook that has all sorts of stuff that you David Frum seem to have overlooked. And I’m sorry to tell you that it does not have any recipes; it does not have any recipes for reviving the Republican Party, for making sure you pundits get to be on TV fighting over things the govt. should not have any business being involved in at all, in the first place.  Because as for me, I am glad that the grave for the Republican Party has been dug, because now we are just in time to dig the next one for the Democratic Party. It’s one down, one to go Dave. Get hip, click the picture for my rag.

I wrote this SIX years ago Dave. Damn you’re slow.

I am doing one post per day for the month of November, hopefully. Inspired by NaBloPoMo.

This is post #10

Plato’s Republic: Treatise of paid-off phony intellectual bottom feeders

Plato is wrong about probably everything

What a bad meme to spread! Plato had a lot of things wrong. Who would cast a spell like this? What’s his interest in maintaining the ostracism of honest people?

How about this instead?:

“Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture are honest, valuable people who lay the foundation for the New Civilization”

That makes more sense to me. Spread -that- meme around so it takes hold, what the hell were people thinking back then? how could they do this to us? 

That is a better meme to lay down for Western Civilization, instead of the “forms” and the “ideals” that Plato used to provide talentless bureaucracies the tools they use to control us to this day. Plato was the first paid-off phony intellectual.

In many cultures, before the West did this thing it is doing, people who see things more clearly are not cast-aways who are considered weirdos, they are special people who are heard in order to see things from different perspectives. They are Shaman, healers, and clarions. Sometimes they are even chosen to become Chiefs and leaders. At the very least, their input is integrated into the whole, and considered valuable.

Plato’s Republic is the foundation in the West for Bureaucratic Authoritarianism. It is the start of ostracizing realism and the root of discontent and alienation. The Republic separates people from themselves and their communities, and implores a dependence on external constructs that are usually foisted via violence by people who do not provide any work or innovation to the equation. 

Another option for this photo might be:The REpublic, By Plato

“Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses. And don’t worry talentless bureaucrats who make your living fleecing hard-working, valuable people. I’m writing a book called “The Republic” and it will ensure easy living for your ilk for at least a couple of millenia.”

Plato knew who doled out the free tax dollars. So like the economists and pundits of today, writing treatises that justify that system is good job security. Never mind innovation or solutions, unless of course they are exploited to continue to support the talentless political class and their flack machine.  And writing them in a language that is understandable by the people who have a certain level of education, but who are not inclined to critical thinking or original thought is a special talent. That malleable majority of the population is crucial to the maintenance of easy living for the political class and its tentacles.

At some point you have to ask yourself for honesty with yourself. Just ask yourself three questions before you lie down to sleep. Don’t be scared. Just ask: “Can I be honest with myself? Then ask: Am I doing anything to change things, really?, or am I just maintaining a broken cart that is ultimately doing more damage and harm than good?” Then: “At this point wouldn’t it be a net gain if we just started over?”

Internet movie database review regarding Plato and Aristotle, where a scriptwriter got it backwards.

More on starting over: (Links)

Breakfast means “break-fast” and it is the most important meal of the day, because you wake up.  (Breaking the two-party stranglehold)

You’re going to have to sacrifice more and suffer; tighten your belt. Just don’t pay attention to our ever-expanding gut that you go into debt for you stupid sucker.  (Getting power into your own hands)

I am doing a blog post per day all month, hopefully. Inspired by NaBloPoMo.  This is post #1.

Good MORNING!! Why my vote means more than yours

image of an election ballot, with more names than just the Republican and Democrat Parties, but also the Greens, the Libertarians, the Constution Party, and even Rosann Barr's Peace and Freedom Party

The Democrats have at least figured out not to waste money on me by sending me their junk mail.. I wish the Republicans would.. [corny trumpet sound effects: waaahh waaahh wahhh waaaaaahhh]. Every day I leave a note for the mail clown not to leave me political mail, and every day he does not read it. What am I going to do with that bozo?

I am pretty happy to see more people getting off the two-party bandwagon. It is not  easy, but it seems like people are finally figuring out that we are going to have to make a break from this. The thing is, as long as things are kind of difficult right now, we are getting accustomed to difficulty, then why not just make the break? And as long as we are having to fix everything, let’s just start right from scratch.  Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, after all. It makes sense that it’s in the morning, BECAUSE  YOU WAKE UP .. thank you very much

It is a really nice day here in Michigan where I am located. It’s hard for me to remember right now that our Govt. has ended Habeas Corpus, passed indefinite detention (and that they are using it), that “innocent until proven guilty” is a thing of the past. Our government, more than ever, for the last 12 years has accelerated the process toward becoming an arbitrary, lawless institution ruled by the whims of egoists. There are two completely different sets of laws for the fierce minority of 560 or so that we elect to rule us, than for the voluminous mass of 350 million who have become their subjects. Why do we tolerate them again?  Personally, I find it essentially irrational to be loyal to people who lie to me and treat me like shit. So do you.  Stop hitting yourself.

Look, at this point, it does not matter very much which non-two-party candidate you vote for. Just do it. You know you want to. Don’t fall for the games.

You know you want to. Follow your heart.

I am  writing-in a Candidate, not only because I really love the idea behind the Prime Law Amendment to the Constitution that she promotes, but because Michigan would not cooperate with her attempt to get on the ballot. Another “small government” Republican waving the broken magic wand of bureaucracy, and creating problems where none exist.

And don’t talk some crazy shit to me about how it is a “wasted vote”.  It’s my vote, it’s not your vote. People did not die for my right to vote so you could berate me because I will not vote for candidates who do not believe in the essential rights of Individuals, who unilaterally strike down Habeas Corpus and the right of innocence until proven guilty, and who have zero interest in self-determination for all people, but rather super-determination for a permanent, essentially non-elected ruling class.   MY VOTE MEANS MORE THAN YOURS if you are the one supporting that.

The American Mind: Political Prisoner (3,148 Words)

There are two classes in the United States, the political class and the rest of us
In the United States, the Republicans give our money to people who don’t need it, and the Democrats give it to people who don’t know what they’re doing.
By Robert Run (3,148 Words)–Click here for the ebook  99 cents

You, the working taxpayer, you pay for our politicians first-class privilege and treatment while you become subject to second-class status.  Pretty cool huh?